Thursday, November 29, 2007

Crazy CO driver terrorizes Albany

Did I mention it's dark here? There's an inky blackness to the night that makes it nearly impossible to see where to turn sometimes when driving. It's partly because it's typically cloudy this time of year, but I think they don't have as many streetlights, either (that's both good and bad, I suppose). So, now that I've set up my excuse....

Tonight I was trying to get into what was ultimately the worst Thai restaurant I've ever been to, and I thought there was a driveway on both sides. Nope - the little alley on the other side was a cleverly disguised highway on-ramp! I whipped around so I was kind of blocking it to get back on the road (I only almost had to go up onto the sidewalk). Then, a quick illegal u-turn down the block, and it was off to massive Thai food disappointment. I must note - the worst Thai places I've ever been have been the most expensive, fancy places.

Random observation: they have more blue post boxes here than anywhere I've ever been. There's just about one on every corner, residential or commercial. They have a lot of smaller post offices, too, instead of a few really large ones. I've only found one that has an APC (automated postal center, I think it is). I guess they still want some people to have jobs here. :-)

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