Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Legal Blondage

There's a woman at Lisa's work who's about to graduate law school. They've nicknamed her Legally Blond. She just found out about the state bar fees and said "you have to pay to be a lawyer?" At one point she had also said "I was hired to do paralegal work, and I don't have a paralegal certificate." Well, sweetheart - law school may just trump paralegal school.

Speaking of the job, she's about had it with lawyers. This place is more uptight than the military (the place is run by former and active-reserve military member - Army Airborne types). It has more corporate BS than a huge firm (like where I work) but it's really a medium sized company.

They actually banned microwave popcorn because someone burned it once. I kid you not, a partner actually said "Didn't you get the memo?!" And he was serious. And, one of the lawyers stopped by Lisa's office area today and someone said "hide the donuts." Too late - he had a fit because it was after noon and donuts were still out!

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