Monday, November 5, 2007


We went up to beautiful Saratoga Springs on Sunday to shake me out of my doldrums. It's off-season, but I think harness racing is still on. We just walked around downtown looking at lofts, rentals, etc. and contemplating our next possible move! ;-)

It's very hard to explain how different things are out East for a Colorado-raised boy. Even though traffic in Denver sucked, it was frustrating in a different way. I guess Anchorage was similar to here in the particular traffic problems of road size vs car density. There's rarely a two lane road, never mind the 3 lane boulevards that try to keep things moving in CO.

I've already covered the indifferent attitude about having street signs. I keep the GPS on all the time so I have some warning my turn is coming up. It's hard to look ahead too far due to the 10,000,000,000,000 trees and I don't think I've ever gone more than 3 blocks before waiting at another light.

But, if water is what you're after, there's no end of it. And you don't have to drain the entire region's underground aquifers trying to keep a carpet of grass underfoot.


flasshe said...

My blood pressure while driving rises exponentially as the number of lanes decreases. One lane roads make me bust a vein, especially if I'm in back of a slow person. I guess I could never live out east.

And street signs are essential for civilized societies.

DMR said...

I got busted for that post for making trees seem like a bad thing! It's not that we didn't have them in CO, it's just that they weren't virtually everywhere. I don't think I used to be so claustrophobic. Must be age related! ;-)