Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A Tale of Two Law Firms

I blogged about Lisa's job with the crazy lawyer in Albany, that got us here in the first place, and how she got a job at another firm. Here's were the tale takes a bizarre twist.

When she was interviewing with the first lawyer (Let's call him Lawyer X), he mentioned that he had interviewed someone who was referred to him by an acquaintance. During Lisa's interview, he called the lawyer who had referred the woman, and said he was hiring Lisa.

Forward to the end of The Week From Hell. She found another job online, and applied. Three interviews later, she gets a job at the firm, but not the one she originally applied for. The woman who is training her is leaving after working at the company for a few months because she doesn't feel it's a good fit for her. She asks Lisa "Did you work for Lawyer X?" Lisa, of course was shocked. The woman is the one who she beat out for that job! She had decided to go work there when Lawyer X called her after Lisa quit. She guessed it was Lisa because she knew Lawyer X had hired a woman from CO who left after a week. Lisa's new boss, Lawyer Y, is the one who referred the woman to Lawyer X!

There's no connection between either firm, other than some people at each know each other, and there was no connection between the jobs or Lisa and the other woman.

Total coincidence, all the way around. Weird enough for ya?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This has a weird vibe... as in albino gap tooth banjo players weird. NY and not the deep south correct?