Tuesday, October 16, 2007

DMV, double parking, and baseball

I hear Denver's in an uproar about some kind of baseball game or something? :-0

My folks are coming out here, so if they end up playing Boston, I have to lock my parents up so they aren't seen or heard rooting for the Rockies. This may be NY, but we're far enough away from the city that it's acceptable to root for the Sox if the Yankee's aren't involved! Actually, even if it's Cleveland, that's going to be the local favorite.

Driving here is much more sane than in Worcester, MA, but it is an old city, so they do have some winding, narrow streets. Which isn't so bad if someone's not double parked. It's really fun when it's a big truck. I have seen two people sit blocking traffic while talking to someone standing in the street. The 2nd time it was as I was leaving the DMV, and I'd just had to lay on the horn to keep someone from backing into me in the parking lot. I gave the road hog a blast of the horn, too. Out here, that just means, "move on" or "pay attention" not, let's have a 9mm shoot-out, like out West.

Unverified trivia: Oldest Cities in US

As for the DMV: when I exchanged my CO license for a CA license, I filled out a form, surrendered my old ID, paid a fee, and was done. Same for CA to AK. For the NY DMV I had to provide my old license, my birth certificate, my SS Card, and my passport. Now, there are other forms of ID accepted - they have point values. Lisa didn't have her passport, so she used our wedding license and her credit card, as they were 1 pointers. The passport was a 4.

Now, you could say this is OK because of heightened security nowadays. That would be fine if while I was at the DMV, the NY State House wasn't debating the governor's plan to give licenses to illegal immigrants. WTF?! He claims it'll make us more secure. I wouldn't mind at all if, when they came in, they were deported! Do they have to show a non-proof of address and identity? Give me a f*****g break. I made sure to register to vote so I can vote against the governor for this issue alone! ;-)

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