Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Making do

I'm sitting cross legged on the floor with my notebook propped up on a box in front of me. We have a really nice air mattress, so sleeping is ok. The POD arrives tomorrow with our stuff. Then the real work begins again! I was exhausted just unloading what we brought in the car, plus some groceries.

We don't have internet, phone or cable tv until Friday. I'm borrowing a neighbors WiFi signal right now. I did some work this morning from the library on their wireless.

I really miss Dish Network. We had numerous receivers to choose from. Here we get what we get and they don't even have a dual-tuner DVR! I could go with their simple receiver and get a TiVo, but for now we're getting two DVRs so we can both record way more shows than we can watch. ;-)

Still have to get the Gas and Electric set up in our name. And register the car at the Registry of Motor Vehicles (that's RMV, not DMV!).

Last night we were saved embarrassment by a woman just in front of us at the grocery store. When asked if she was looking for something and she asked for a cart, the woman exclaimed "You mean a carriage? They're outside along the building!" as if shocked that some rube would call it a cart, and expect it to be found inside the store! Imagine that! When in Rome....

I need to get some pics of the place before it's filled with boxes and packing material. I also have to upload the 30 or so pictures of Albert's adventures getting here. :-)

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