Saturday, October 13, 2007


The POD was deliverd today, so we've been unpacking. It gets more tedious each time! I think we'll stay here for a year. I'm definately getting movers next time.

We're going to take a break and see Steven Wright at The Egg tonight. The Egg is part of Albany's vaunted Empire State Plaza. It's been compared to the location of the famous Neremberg Rally, but it does make an impression! Here's some good pics of the plaza.

If you've never seen Steven Wright, well.... the first time I saw him on an hour long HBO show, I thought "there's no way he can go on like this the whole time." He can. Reminds me of Jack Handy (remember SNL's Deep Thoughts...?). Here's on of his memorable lines: "I'm a peripheral psychic. I can see into the future, but only way off to the side!" He guested on Seinfeld once as another of Kramer's goofy friends, and used that line. Not sure if it was in context. He's kind of like a living non sequeter.

Later that same night: Steven Wright was hilarious! Five minutes into the show my stomach hurt from laughing so hard. The Egg has two theaters in it. The one we where in was very nice. It's also nice that it's only a 10 minute drive to get there. Same for the airport. Albany is kind of like Fort Collins (CO) but with more to do close by.

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