Saturday, December 29, 2007

Scrapin' by

The weather hasn't been too bad since just before Christmas. The roads are clear, partly thanks to the rain. I can't get used to a place where it snows and rains frequently in winter. In CO and AK, the rain comes in the summer. In CA, it was in the winter, in lieu of snow - at least in the Bay Area where I lived.

Speaking of the Bay Area, I have to go to a training class (1st time in years my company has provided such, but they made the client pay for it) in Daly City the week of Jan 14. Of course, I have to rush the travel through our system at work, just like my recent trip to NJ. I should have a little more time, though. With that trip, my travel was approved on Friday, and I had to travel the next Monday! My company has a decent travel site - kind of like our own Orbitz, but to get the expenses approved we have to use an ancient mainframe application that's guaranteed to make you wish a horrible demise upon all computers everywhere.

We've been having trouble getting our money from our renters in our house in CO. Hopefully, they'll catch up this month, but we'll see. If not, they face eviction, but that can be a nightmare for us, too.

I'm hoping for the best and trying to be positive. I failed my first attempt to solve all my problems via the New York State Lottery.

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