Friday, December 14, 2007

Canadian terrorism in a can

While perusing our local grocery store's wares, I innocently picked up a can of Campbell's Soup called "Pepper Pot Stew." Under this, in small letters it said "A Product of Canada." Now I know this was a warning!

It looked to be a can of beef stew, seasoned with black pepper. I like that, so I figured I'd try it.

I opened it up at work, and immediately became a little worried by the powerful aroma (read STENCH) that assaulted my senses. But, I bravely heated it up and tried a bite. After spitting that sample in to the trash, I realized our tiny office doesn't even have a garbage disposal for getting rid of such evidence, so I had to pour the offending remains through the strainer in the drain and transfer them to the trash. My apologies to the cleaning crew.

I keep meaning to read the ingredients on another can to see if there's any sign of "naturally fermented possum sphincters" anywhere on the list!.

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