Sunday, September 30, 2007

Toll trolls

We are in toll road country. For those out West used to saying "freeway" it's a tollway here just about everywhere.

Albert decided he needs to ride on top of his carrier instead of inside it where he has blankets to nap on. He behaves well, but has to be put back in every time we hit the toll booths and/or exit.

We lost Lisa's cosmetic bag in a tragic roof-rack accicent. It slipped out the side between the rails. It was right on the center line, but by the time I was bold enough to make an illegal u-turn, about 5 miles down the road, someone had swiped it. They have the emergency turn areas blocked with those plastic poles here. I squeezed through next to an overpass. In retrospect I should've just stopped an hiked back a half mile. The good news is, Lisa got to get new cosmetic bags, hair dryer, etc. She did lose 6 months of contacts, though! The sad thing is, when we started out, I made sure to loop the tie-downs through the handles of all the bags. After the 3rd load-up, I was tired and lazy!

We asked at the next rest stop and toll gate, but no luck. We saw two cleanup trucks right near that area so we hoped they'd have it. They keep the toll roads clean and well maintained, I'll give them that.

We are at a Days Inn in Batavia, NY. It's quite the dump. It has about 1000 rooms and it looks like a prison block. But, it was only $70/person, $10/cat. Has a pool, but it's outside. The doors have number plates on top and bottom. I can only figure that's for when you're crawling down the hallway in a drunken stupor, so you can find your room! This place is one step from hourly room rentals. The vending machine is stocked with condoms, cigarette lighters, and pain killers!

When we got here, I just made it inside before a bus load of Japanese tourists heading for Niagara Falls. They paused to take pictures of the front of the prison, er.... hotel, so I flanked 'em. Oops, sorry. I listened to the audio book of Ken Burn's The War on the way out here! ;-)

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